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#Admin- Hlshu

Thursday, April 24, 2014

On 22:56 by Harsh Bothra in ,    1 comment
Change Your Windows XP SP2 to SP3 | Windows Tricks:
1)      Open Run [ windows key + R] .
2)      Open Regedit
3)      Double click on “ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ” .
4)      Double click on “ SYSTEM ” and then double click on “ CurrentControlSet ”.
5)      Double click on “ Control ” and go to “ Windows ”.
6)      Then double click on CSD version on the right side [4th option].
7)      If you are using windows xp service pack 2, change the value data into 300.
Now take you are mycomputer’s properties. You can see that the OS version  has changed to service pack 3. Some software may support only from WinXp SP3. You can use these simple technique for changing your windows xp version and you can escape from formatting

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